December 2005 Newsletter

What a good day we had at the November meeting. Norman was carving bananas while Peter was making fluted balls as Howard was showing us how he does his inlaid turning. With so much going on the morning went by in a flash. In the afternoon we had a speed turning competition with each entrant having 15 minutes to produce a bowl from a mahogany blank. The shavings were really flying and every one who entered produced a fair result but Norman won the day with his bowl.

Our next meeting is on Saturday 10th December and Tony Whitham will be spending the day with us.

With this newsletter you will find your membership renewal form for 2006. This form is very important so PLEASE fill it in and return it to me with your cheque. Once I have handed the money to the treasurer, the form is my only record of your membership. It also gives me a chance to make sure I have your address and telephone details correct. Some of you prefer to pay cash at the January meeting, which is not a problem but I still need the form. The AGM will be held at the January meeting and this is the time when you vote for your Committee. There will be a few changes so would you please give some thought to who can fill the gaps. Norman Smithers is standing down as Chairman, Bill Bassant has already taken himself off the committee as Events Organizer due to health problems (as most of us witnessed) and David Matson is standing down although he will continue to look after our insurance details from behind the scenes but we need a Caretaker. The Committee as it stands at present is shown below. All offices are open to anyone wishing to stand but if you want to propose someone you must first get their permission and someone to second your proposal. The Caretaker's job is quite demanding as described below, but if you feel you would like to take it on please let us know at the AGM.

The Committee 2005
Chairman - Norman Smithers.
Deputy Chairman - Bernard Slingsby.
Secretary - Graham Holcroft.
Treasurer - Peter Branchett.
Events Organizers - Bill Bassant, Bert Lanham & Peter Fuller.
Equipment Manager - Bill Burden.
Website Manager - Fred Taylor.
Insurance Manager - David Matson

Norman Smithers, Bill Bassant and David Matson will stand down and we need to fill the gaps left by Bill Bassant and Norman Smithers and we need to create a new position of Caretaker. The position of Insurance Manager will be dropped. The rest of us are willing to stand for another year. (If you want us to!!!) The Caretaker's job responsibilities include:- Hold the key to the hall and therefore open up in the morning.
His phone number to be held by the village hall committee. See that the hall is left clean and tidy, windows and doors locked at the end of the day. Heating and hot water turned off.
Sufficient money in the electric meter to last the day. Store room left tidy and tables stacked correctly. Toilets left clean.
It's an important job and needs an enthusiastic member to fill it.

Two people that Bill Chapman met in hospital recently have each given him a lathe that they wish to sell.

Record Coronet No 3 complete with 2 chucks, a wide selection of tools and a face protection mask. Price £250 o.n.o.
Contact Barry Carr on 01474 705416

Poolewood PW28-40 40 inches between centers, 12 inches over the bed with swivel head and variable speed. Original documentation and owners manual included. Price £350.
Contact number 01474 704011.

Finally we have received a card from Wally's wife. Unfortunately it won't scan so I have printed the message here and I will ask Norman to pin the card on the notice board. The message reads,

Dear "Club"
Thank you all for your nice thoughts of Wally, he would feel so pleased. He loved his "Club days" and enjoyed every minute with you all. Your generous gift will go to the Heart of Kent Hospice who were so kind to Wally and the family. Thank you all again. He will be missed so much.
Love Eunice.
Ps Also thank you for the lovely bunch of flowers. You are so kind.
